Success Means Staying Motivated Through Failures

By Books Author Denise Turney

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Staying motivated through failures is a must if you want to experience ongoing success. You’ll need tools and techniques to stay motivated because the path to success is not a straight line. In fact, there are twists and turns so sharp, you might question why you ever believed you could achieve a certain goal.

Clarity as a Prerequisite to Staying Motivated Through Failures

On the other hand, if you’ve already started working your vision, exercised courage and are going after your destiny, you know that failure is part of the success road. However, knowing you’ll make mistakes and face challenges doesn’t make the journey easier. That’s why, to achieve ongoing success, you have to really want what you say you want.

By itself, this clarity makes staying motivated through failures possible. For you, clarity might come after you receive a vision, an inner short-clip-of-sorts, that details what you should do while you’re in this world.

Or you might be inspired to pursue arts, science, entertainment, sports, education, ministry or technology from watching a movie or reading a book. Either way, you’d clearly know, absolutely know, what you came here to do.

Starting Out on the Road to Success

Soon, you’re rolling up your sleeves, perhaps telling family and friends about your success dream. If you’re not careful, you might quit your day job, visions of you racking up sales at your “dream job” filling your imagination.

Sounds so good. Feels great. But, in this world, there are surprises, disappointments, lessons to be learned and setbacks, particularly as you pursue your destiny. For example, you might have a stellar business launch, perhaps attracting the attention of major media outlets, only to have sales arrive so fast that you struggle to fill orders on time.

This is what happened to some booksellers who got press during COVID lockdowns. Book orders came in so fast, it was tough for bookstores to fill the orders, especially considering that mail operated with limited staff due to the virus.

That’s when “success” pivots into setbacks (or failures) and lessons learned. You could circumvent these failures through research. For instance, in this case, as a bookseller you could research contracts with wholesalers who generally fill book orders within 24 hours. You could also research overnight shipping options, shortcutting the time it takes to get books from your store to customers. Even so, there be more unexpected events ahead.

When The Unexpected Happens – Staying Motivated Through Failures

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Besides being unprepared for significant uptick in sales, other failures you could encounter on the success road include:

  • Falling out-of-bounds with industry policies and regulations (being pulled in five or more directions could cause you to lose focus on a policy which could, over time, find you running afoul of regulations)
  • Hiring the wrong staff (do this and you could end up completing projects yourself because the people you hired don’t have the skills to do what you hired them to do)
  • Taking on more than you have the bandwidth to successfully pull off
  • Not generating enough sales to cover your overhead
  • Investing money in marketing and promotion efforts only to go into debt because your sales never match, let alone surpass, marketing and promotion investments
  • Sacrificing sleep to keep creating, marketing and distributing products and services

Staying Motivated Through Failures – How Much Should You Sacrifice for Success

Most of all, you might spend less time with family and friends just so you can pursue your dream. This is like wresting with an addiction. You keep telling yourself that you’ll spend time with your kids, partner or friends in a week, in a month, over the holidays.

You get the point.

Before you know it, your kids are grown and you haven’t spent much time with them (remember the song by Sandy and Harry Chapin – “The Cat’s In The Cradle”) . Another painful failure that you could encounter on the road to success is the delay of what you want happening.

Now, this is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to staying motivated through failures. It’s not easy to stay motivated when you’re working hard, making sizable investments and not getting what you want.

So, what do you do?

Staying Motivated Through Failures on the Road to Success

How can you motivate yourself when little seems to be going right? How can you keep your spirits lifted when, despite your efforts, you keep facing failures?

To start, remember that you’ll never achieve the success you want if you quit. Also, remember that success is never owned. In fact, although success is a choice, it’s not like a coat.

You can’t own and hang success in a closet. So, in addition to remembering that success is never owned, be open to change. After all, what got you success, including quantum success, a year or more ago, may not yield the same results today.

Most of all, remember why you got started. Recall your vision. Revisit your destiny, how and when it came to you. Let that vision, that motivation, lead you.

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Success Choices To Staying Motivated Through Failures

Be persistent; be consistent. On the success road, you must be tenacious. You also have to find ways to stay motivated. Here are actions you could take to keep going when the pull to quit gets strong:

  • Listen to deep meditation tapes to train your brain for success
  • Sharpen your vision so you’re clear on what you need to do to yield the results you want
  • Meditate on success quotes
  • Talk with people who achieved their dream, asking them to share failures they faced and what they did to stay motivated and move beyond those setbacks
  • Join professional groups with memberships that include people with passions similar to yours. Share successes and mistakes. Also, network with these people to learn about new technologies, marketing tools and industry trends that you can use to gain traction.

More Paths to Staying Motivated Through Failures to Achieve Success

  • Read books about success, including books about success principles
  • Write down dreams you have that reveal tips on how you can shortcut the road to success
  • Journal about your feelings, especially during times when you find staying motivated through failures difficult.
  • Create a detailed plan, mapping out actions you will take to get from where you are now to where you want to be
  • Hang pictures of what your life will look like when you fulfill your destiny around your home
  • Complete at least three actions a day that bring you closer to what you want. If you start to feel vulnerable, like giving up, remind yourself why you got started.

Instead of focusing on failures, review your daily actions, making changes as needed. Also, review monthly time and money investments, again making adjustments. Show your inner critic that you are taking smart actions. Prove to yourself that you are setting yourself up to experience ongoing success. After all, success is never owned. You have to keep reaching for it, achieving success, experience after experience. It’s a journey Mulukan, in the story Long Walk Up, is more than familiar with.

Psychology of Success: Staying Motivated Thru Failures

By Books Author Denise Turney

woman acknowledging success at top of mountain
Photo by Nina Uhlíková on

Psychology of success aligns personality, experience, core beliefs, critical thinking and self-awareness. If you want to experience quantum success, you’ll also need to commit to self-honesty. No more playing games, no more lying to yourself. You also have to take full responsibility for your decisions. Yes. It means you take full responsibility for your conscious and unconscious decisions.

Psychology of Success Honesty

To achieve and sustain success, you have to really get to know yourself. Another thing you have to do is face your fears. For example, you may feel fear when you think about aging, living alone, public speaking, being criticized on making a mistake in public.

In fact, Napoleon Hill, author of The Law of Success, Think and Grow Rich, How to Own Your Own Mind, The Magic Ladder of Success and The Science of Success, shared that our leading enemies (or fears) are fear of poverty, sickness, death, aging, criticism and loss of love.

To avoid getting blocked, work through fears early, before fears go deep into the subconscious. Tips to work through fear include journaling, writing a letter to someone whose opinion you’ve inflated and walking in nature and allowing submerged thoughts to surface. Other ways to face and move beyond fears are to talk with a trusted friend about the fear and joining a safe support group to hear how others deal with fear.

Train Your Brain for Success

Additionally, you could limit the time you let yourself think about something you fear to 2 minutes a day, and no more than once a month. This single step reduces time you spend worrying. As you do this work, you might discover that you invented a goal to avoid facing a fear. For example, you might have a goal to be the top sales rep at your company because, deep down, you fear your father doesn’t think you measure up.

Accept what you discover, what surfaces as you get to know yourself. This acceptance is better than spending decades chasing a dream that never really was yours. Signs that a success goal is truly yours include feeling peace while taking actions related to your goal, living with increased energy and clear focus. Also, you might feel more curious about life in general, living with a sense of wonder.

After you get clear about what you want, start to train your brain for success. To train your brain for success, listen to deep meditation tapes and repeat positive affirmations, statements that stir deep emotion in you. Making a visual success map, hanging inspirational quotes in your home and writing letters to your future self (the self who has achieved the goal) are other ways to train your brain for success.

Stay Open

paraglider flying over snowy mountains
Photo by Amber Janssens on

Each night, see yourself, actually see and feel yourself, enjoying the experiences that you want. See yourself speaking with clients and prospects. And see yourself signing hundreds of books at cultural festivals and large book conferences. Visualize that you’re living in the house you want. To continue to advance, stay open. In fact, Psychology Today shares that being open to new experiences is another key in the psychology of success.

Self-discipline, sound money management and the right actions are other psychology of success keys. Track the results of your actions in a weekly or monthly spreadsheet. Seeing the results of your efforts could fuel you as you work to achieve success.

Navigating the Road of Success

Also, stay motivated, because despite how hard you work, there may be times when you fail. Reading inspirational quotes helps keep you going. If reading inspirational quotes doesn’t work, consider:

  • Revisit why you started pursuing your goals
  • Take a break – simply take a break for one to two weeks
  • Ask your Higher Self for guidance
  • Read an empowering book
  • Accept and acknowledge successes you have already achieved
  • Continue to train your brain for success
  • Appreciate your blessings – focus on the good in and around you
  • Visit family and friends – connect with people who make you feel loved, people who make you feel good

Love for Your Success Journey

Somewhere on your success journey, you’re going to have to empower yourself. After all, no one stays on top forever. In fact, if you pursue success long enough, you’ll see that success is never owned. That’s why it’s important to appreciate your blessings and connect with people who make you feel loved.

In fact, it’s these people who make success sweet. Little may be more rewarding than sharing success, especially hard-earned success, with those you love.

If you let these opportunities slip, by the time you realize success is never owned, what could have been your sweetest relationships may have been ruined because you were too busy or didn’t take the time to see that success without a circle of love isn’t really success, which brings up another point.

Stay Motivated

Your family and friends and the people your work helps may be your life’s real quantum success. Fill your life with loving relationships, achieve goals that align with your highest values, and, for you, quantum success may naturally unfold.

So, stay motivated. Train your brain for success. And make the psychology of success part of your life. Also, remember that success is never owned. Keep advancing. Count your blessings and appreciate the good that’s in your life right now. Even more, continue to nurture loving relationships. After all, love and appreciation are a huge part of any success.