How to De-Stress in Less Than 5 Minutes

By Books Author Denise Turney

Even in today’s hectic world, it’s not necessary to live with prolonged stress. That’s right. There’s no good reason to carry stress around from experience to experience or day to day. But you might not accept that truth if living with stress has become a habit for you. Should that be the case, the way out might prove more beneficial if it’s laid out in short actions, small choices that have long-term effects. The small actions listed in this article, actions that highlight how you can de-stress in less than 5 minutes, may prove particularly rewarding for you.

Start to De-Stress

Whatever you choose to do, start to shift out of stress. Why? Stress is a culprit that has far reaching impact. It affects your heart, brain, sleep, mental health, mood and more. In fact, there isn’t a single part of the human body that it doesn’t affect, particularly once you enter prolonged stress. If you’re like me, you may have heard about the dangers of stress for years. Yet, it may not be until you have a firsthand encounter with a build-up of stress that you more clearly see the role that stress is playing in your life.

This is an experience that I recently had, an unwanted experience at that. For two years, my workload had been consistently high, at a point of overwhelm. Because I’m a “go-getter” it took a while for the heightened work level to start to produce symptoms. What happened?

One Saturday around 3pm I felt a surge of joy. Right away, I expressed appreciation for what I felt. Then, a few weeks later, it happened again. That second or third time it happened on a late Saturday afternoon I became curious, wondering what was causing the emotional surge.

Stress Working in the Body

It didn’t take long to realize that I had been carrying stress in my body all week and felt joy upon releasing the stress. Another thing I realized straightaway was that carrying stress for an entire week was not good, wasn’t healthy. So, I committed to meditating more and sitting in stillness.

That’s what I promised myself I would do. But that’s not how the next weeks went. What really happened was that I remained in states of overwhelm, constantly working, doing one thing after another. And when I wasn’t working, there seemed to be something related to a project or initiative that was on my mind.

Certainly not the way to rest and de-stress. A visit to the doctor several months later woke me up. Fortunately, my health is very good, but I did receive a wakeup call through my biometric numbers. Now, I incorporate activities into each day to ensure I de-stress. These activities often protect me from entering a state of prolonged stress to begin with which is a real win.

Fast Ways to De-Stress

So, what are these ways to de-stress in less than five minutes? Well, here they are:

  • Raise your hands in appreciation upon rising or waking from sleep. Simply stand on the floor, raise your hands and let yourself feel appreciation. There’s no need to focus on a topic or event, but you certainly could. The goal is to feel appreciation and allow it to flow through your being. Ten seconds can do a good work.
  • Sit on a chair or sofa for 5 minutes after you shower, wash up and do your hair. Just sit still in silence. If you want, you could read a passage from a poetry book, the Bible or another book that inspires, motivates or empowers you. I often read from A Course In Miracles before I sit still.
  • Focus on your breathing, inhaling and exhaling deeply 10 times.
  • Enjoy a 3-minute walk outdoors.
  • Listen to a song that you love, music that soothes you.
  • Soak in a warm bubble bath for a few minutes.
  • Send family and friends a funny joke or loving greeting. It’ll feel good when your family and friends start sending you back funny messages or messages that share how much they love and care for you.
  • Drink a warm cup of tea, even a few sips could find you feeling less stressful.
  • Write in a journal for 3 to 4 minutes, expressing your thoughts and feelings with honesty.
  • Stand up and go to the bathroom – a tricky, amazing stress reducer.
  • Play with your pet for two minutes.
  • Do three minutes of chair yoga.

Love and Care for Yourself by Managing Stress

See how many other ways to de-stress you can come up with on your own. Spread these actions throughout your day and see if you don’t start to feel better.

Another thing you may find especially helpful is to pay attention to how you respond to stimuli. The world is busy, full of opportunities, activities, deadlines, projects and more. It’s up to you to learn how to respond to what you hear, see, perceive, and experience.

Respond in ways that are rooted in love instead of fear. See yourself succeeding and living a joyous, peaceful, balanced life. Should you start to feel stress building, try a de-stress activity. It’s a sweet way to love and care for yourself!

Completely Escaping Bondage

By Books Blogger Denise Turney

Photo by Ronê Ferreira

Completely escaping bondage is a powerful act of love. At first glance, getting free is evidence that you love yourself. Dig deeper and it becomes clear that completing getting free is also evidence that you love everyone.

Pay Attention

Getting completely free licenses others to stop worrying about you, giving them the energy to create a better life. If you’ve worried, you may be familiar with how weighty, how heavy, worry feels. Should you not be familiar with how heavy worry feels, keep experiencing this world.

Pay attention. Let the contrast between what it feels like to worry vs. what it feels like to love (love being the absence of fear), and you may soon notice the difference between worry and love.

Worry and you might feel as if you’re carrying a weight, a heaviness. Stop worrying and you might instantly feel lighter, unburdened.

The next time you give into worry, pay attention to how you feel. Also, notice how you feel when you stop worrying.

This single shift can alert you to how much worry, and any other form of fear, is bondage. Enter into fear and you really don’t feel free.

Bondage Forms

Then, there’s physical bondage, financial bondage, sexual and work bondage, to name a few other forms of non-freedom. Just as a kidnapper might allow the person who they’re using to experience the illusion of being in control to roam a room in their house absent handcuffs, the ego part of your mind might allow you to feel free from one or more bondage forms, but only for a while.

For example, if you’ve spent time in financial debt, you might reach a point where you put your foot down and decide to create a budget. And, you might stick to the budget for several weeks, maybe even several months.

Yet, like a yo-yo or boomerang, you go back to spending too much money. It’s as if you don’t want to get completely free.

Back and forth you go, never completely cutting the cord.

Is Bondage Normal To You?

After a while, you start to think that living in some form of bondage is normal. Believing this could be one of the worse parts of not doing what it takes to get completely free.

It’s doubtful that you want this. You don’t want to believe that hanging on, getting by or surviving is normal or the best that you can ever do. To make a clean break, start small.

Revisiting the financial bondage example, if you’re several thousand dollars in debt, make a plan to pay the debt down one hundred dollars a month. Yes. It might take two years to pay the debt off, but it’s progress.

During those two years, you might accept the truth about your situation. You might accept that you really do have the power to live free. With each monthly paydown, you have evidence that you can live without financial debt.

Do this and you’ll take a giant step forward. After all, many are convinced that living in some form of debt is just the way it is, again as if living in debt is normal

Get Completely Free

Allow yourself to live free of financial debt. Get real accustomed to how it feels to be financially free. Just don’t stop there.

Take an honest look at your entire life. See if there are other areas where you need to get completely free. Examples include unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, sleeping through the weekend, getting addicted to watching television and worrying.

Just as you worked your way out of financial debt into money freedom, consider taking small steps toward freedom in other areas where you’ve been living in bondage. Commit to gaining complete freedom.

Forget shifting back and forth, moving from bondage to freedom back to bondage. Get completely free. Should you get stuck along the way, seek support, qualified support from someone with integrity. Mark your progress. Each week examine your life and your progress truthfully, with honesty. Above all, keep your eye on the goal – completely escaping bondage.