Stop Waiting – It’s Time to Make Your Dreams Come True

By Books Author Denise Turney

flowers beside a have a dream canister on wood table
Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

Have you ever had a dream? I’m talking about a dream that felt so real, it felt like the dream was a part of you? Even more, you might feel compelled, literally pushed, to go after the dream. It’s as if your very identity is linked with the dream. Visions of huge success may flood your thoughts. You could spend hours fantasizing about what your life will be like after your dreams come true.

Clear Dreams

Let that occur and nothing may be able to stop you from pursuing the dream. Howbeit, pursuing a dream and fulfilling a dream are different. In fact, you could get stuck thinking about your dream and never take the actions required to make your dreams come true. I don’t want you to get stuck in this loop. That’s why I’m sharing the following actions and strategies that you could use to fulfill your dreams.

You may feel hope, fulfillment, satisfaction, peace and happiness as you start to see results from each of these actions. That alone is worth making a good shift. It’s also important to mention that smart action is generally required to reach your dreams.

Nothing Magical or Mystical

Effects don’t appear out-of-nowhere. Absent a cause, there are no effects. The right actions or causes produce the right effects or results. Hoping, wishing and fantasizing about what you want are not effective strategies. As a matter of fact, you could spend years hoping, wishing, fantasizing and asking for an experience and never realize that experience if you don’t take the right actions.

After all of these years, I’m still reinforcing that in myself. As long as I’ve been taking actions to fulfill my goals, I still wrestle with the belief that my goals will just-come-true at some magical, mystical right time if I’m patient. Therefore, if you wrestle with this same belief, if you seriously want to make your dreams come true, take the right actions.

Right Actions

Commit to accepting the fact that you must take the right actions. Throughout the process, you may come to see that this is the most important step that you can take to achieve your dreams. Other choices and actions toward dream fulfillment include:

  • Get clear about what you want. This is important because there are countless distractions in this world. Clarity will help you to focus and persist.
  • Research what others did to achieve similar goals. To do this, you could reach out to people who’ve achieved dreams like yours. Build sincere relationships with these people. After you build these relationships, ask these achievers what they did to do what it is you are seeking to do. Although you might not get the same results these achievers did even if you do exactly what they did, if you follow a similar plan, you may definitely experience good results. So, stay open. Make changes as needed.
  • Identify the individuals who are most likely to back your dream. Make these people a part of your support team. Throughout the process, you’ll need to contact these people to receive encouragement, motivation and maybe even confirmation that you’re on the right path.

More Right Actions

  • Discover which organizations and/or individuals are most likely to buy products and/or services that you create. Do this if your dream is to earn a comfortable income creating and selling products and/or services. As with other actions, take your time with this discovery. You could work with market research experts. Or you could A/B test marketing efforts. Get this right, and you could save yourself years of effort. After all, marketing and promoting to the wrong people won’t get you the sales that you’re looking for.
  • Ask for what you want. Once you discover who’s most likely to buy your products and/or services, introduce yourself to these people. Ways to introduce yourself to the right people include:
    • Attend festivals, conferences, trade shows and seminars these people attend. But don’t just attend similar events, approach influencers and ask them to do business with you. One way that you could get a Yes is to study an organization. Find out its struggle areas. Then, see how your products and/or services can help the organization reduce or eliminate these struggles. Share this solution with influencers at the organization when you introduce yourself.
    • Write and send direct mail to influencers.
    • Also, ask people you know who know these influencers to make an introduction for you.

Consistency Matters

More actions that you can take to make your dreams come true are to incorporate technologies into your efforts. As an example, to sell novels, I attend book festivals, introduce myself to book event organizers and network with publishers, editors and book marketers. Other actions I take include speaking at colleges and designing and mailing postcards and book flyers.

However, I don’t just take these actions once and then sit back and await the results. Instead, I take these and lots more actions consistently. And, it’s this that leads to additional steps that you could take to achieve your dreams.

  • Practice the right actions consistently. This is among the reasons why it’s important to get clear about what you really want. To achieve your dreams, you may have to take actions over and over again, for months, perhaps years.
  • Stay open and flexible. To make your dreams happen, you might have to change a technique. So, stay open. Definitely be flexible and adaptable. This world is constantly changing. You’re going to have to adapt to keep advancing in this world.

Make Your Dreams Come True

Read books, watch videos and listen to tapes that inspire you toward your goals. In other words, focus on what you want. Doing this could inspire new ideas and improved actions that you could take to reach your dreams.

Additionally, continue to learn. Don’t stop learning. The industry or field that your passion is in changes. As you continue to learn, you can stay abreast of the changes. Another rewarding choice is to take smart risks. When you respond to your inner dream giver, you start a journey that never ends while you’re in this world. If you want to make the journey sweet, incorporate loving relationships, hobbies and communications into your life.

Why? Having loving people to share your journey and dream fulfillment with is a sure key to happiness. Wishing you boundless success.