5 Good Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up on Yourself

By Books Author Denise Turney

body of water during golden hour as motivation to never give up on yourself
Photo by Sebastian Arie Voortman on Pexels.com

If you’re thinking about throwing in the towel, read these 5 good reasons why you shouldn’t give up on yourself. Even if the first reason doesn’t strengthen your faith, keep going. Let one reason stir deep emotion and it might not be long before hope returns.

Keep Going – There’s Light Inside

You’ve heard it before, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. After all, repetition doesn’t make something a fact. And this bears repeating. There is one you, only one.

Despite what you might perceive about yourself, there’s a light inside you. It’s there even if you don’t acknowledge it. The world needs that light. So do you.

Don’t Give Up – Without You There’s Lack

These next 5 reasons why you shouldn’t give up on yourself take more than an initial read. This isn’t to say that you should read the reasons two or more times. No. Instead, you should recall these reasons when you encounter challenges, a long string of stumbles, the type of setbacks that make you want to quit.

  1. To begin, you’re an eternal being. Therefore, giving up on yourself could come with long effects. Even more, deep within, you really do believe in yourself. There is a part of you that will never give up on you. That part knows you fully, in a way your conscious mind never has. So, even if you’re tired, frustrated or feel hopeless, there is a part of you that always believes in what you really are.
  2. Forgetting doesn’t erase the fact that you came into this world for a reason. Just because you forgot why you came here, doesn’t mean that you didn’t once know. Don’t give up so you can remember.
  3. Change is part of this world. Another constant in this world is routine. Think about it. Have you ever felt like your days were repeating, starting to look just alike? In a way, it’s like a trick. Morning after morning, you get up, wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair and set out. Whether you venture to work, school, a community center, volunteer organization or elsewhere, chances are that you’ve been to this place before. Who knows? You might even take the same route to and from work or school day after day. Repetition. Routine. Seems like everything will always be the same. When things are down, routine and repetition can hurt – bad. Yet don’t give up on yourself. Seemingly out of nowhere and without notice, everything could change – for the better, in ways you might not imagine.

Memories Hold Reasons Not to Quit

Remembering why you came here may take time. It also might require you to practice awareness and get still at least once a day. Entering stillness could be as easy as sitting on the edge of your bed for 10 minutes after you wake. Nature walks might also shift you into stillness. Once you enter stillness, important truths can surface. Look for them. See what good comes to you.

  • Someone is watching you. Although a lot of attention is planted on celebrities, someone is paying attention to you. That’s right. We’re all teachers and students. Look back over your life and you’ll see how much you have learned from others. In a similar way, others have learned from you. People who will learn from you need you to show up.
  • Having a crystal ball wouldn’t show you everything that’s coming. Quit and you might miss out on a chain of miracles. From where you are now, you can’t see how much your mind might open to good experiences that, until this point, you’ve blocked yourself from receiving. Hence, never give up on yourself. Your best experiences might be ahead.

Don’t Give Up on Yourself So You Can Win

Don’t give up on yourself. If you do, no one will be more disappointed than you. Somewhere within, you know that you can accomplish what you came here to achieve. Winning is what you were created to do.

As you continue your journey, speak lovingly to yourself. Read motivating books to encourage yourself. Motivation and encouragement work like fuel; they’re good energy to keep you moving forward.

Spending time with friends who are positive, people who take smart actions to achieve their dreams, is another way to encourage yourself. Listening to uplifting music, dancing, singing and reading inspirational poetry are other ways to stay motivated.

However, nothing might top telling yourself that you are going to win. Find a way every day to assure yourself that you are going to win.

You’ve Come Too Far to Quit

Should you still feel like throwing in the towel, take 10 minutes to recall previous challenges you’ve overcome. Rather than to merely think about challenges you’ve surmounted, sit and write down specific obstacles you’ve faced and overcome.

Then, slowly read what you wrote. Make it crystal clear to yourself that you have what it takes to meet a setback and advance beyond the setback. Really look at what you wrote. Allow the words to sink in.

Next, revisit your childhood. Look at how far you have come since you were a kid. Did you think you would ever live in your own home, if you have your own place now?

So Much Good Is Ahead

Do you own a business? Are your children a constant blessing, surprising you with their talents, gifts and creativity and courage?

Is living the single life right up your alley? Does living alone find you happy and at peace? Are your relationships with your family and friends strong, after all the years that have passed?

This isn’t the time to gloss over how far you have come. On the other hand, this is the time to muscle up your courage by showing yourself just how much you can do.

Get into the habit of practicing awareness, enter stillness each day and encouraging and motivating yourself and you could keep moving forward. Taking smart action, guidance you receive from prayer and the Creator, is another powerful motivator.

Never give up on yourself. Keep going. So much good is ahead.

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